3 Steps to Organizing Your College Admission Process in (Step 3)

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You are on your way to mastering the college admission process (instead of it schooling you). Step 3 covers a follow up of Step 1 and Step 2 to help you quickly find and save all the resources you have located.

Step 3: Add Bookmark folders in your web browser. As you look at scholarships, schools, and resources, add a folder for “Scholarships” in which all the scholarship options you find from google alerts can be bookmarked. Add a folder for the top 3-5 universities you are interested in to save their app page, scholarship page, major/departmental page of programs you want to major in, etc. Having folders will not only save you time, but sanity in the midst of all the resources and webpages you are looking for.

A little organization goes a long way. Take the time to set up a system which works for you so you aren’t working for the system instead. You are in charge of your own college search. What you put into the process is what you will get out of it.

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